might paint

Might paint something I might want to hang here someday,
Might write something I might want to say to you someday,
Might do something I'd be proud of someday.
Mark my words, I might be something someday.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

the final results are in....

....on my grades.

this semester i managed to get two A's and a B+.
-that's significant if you think about the amount of procrastination that went into studying and paper writing...too bad on the waiting to the last minute to do things but yay for the grades.
Ceramics III (A)
Western Civ from Reformation to today (A)
Asian Art History and Architecture (B+)

it's a festivus miracle!

Friday, December 17, 2010

the bridge:v. 7

i submitted two pieces of pottery and three pieces of jewelry to the bridge: vol. seven.  fingers crossed something makes it..
- the student workers of the bridge seemed pretty stoked on my stuff, so perhaps that means only good things? too bad it's a selection of work selected by a non-biased group of professors and art professionals.

 i guess we'll find out in a month or so.  hopefully i get my info on my finals back soon as well. this semester has been a long, yet rewarding one.
i've been thinking of grad. school more and more recently.  the ideas been on the back burner so to speak, but i'm reconsidering after a lovely talk with my history professor, who i admire greatly.

happy holidays and all that jazz.
